Categories China

Falling Chinese Infrastructure

Yao Ming and earthquake survivor and hero Lin Hao, 9 Hugh Hewitt’s criticism of this comment by Sen. Obama is on the mark: Everybody’s watching what’s going on in Beijing right now with the Olympics. Think about the amount of money that China has spent on infrastructure. Their ports, their Continue Reading

Categories History

24 July 1969: Home From The Moon

On 24 July 1969, RN was in mid-Pacific welcoming the Apollo 11 crew home from the moon. Like the rest of the mission, everything had gone almost flawlessly. After traveling 240,000 miles, the capsule —named Columbia— splashed down less than two miles from the target. (RN requested that the band Continue Reading

Categories American Politics

Gen ‘08

In the July 30 “New Republic,” Michael Crowley has a thoughtful profile of McCain right-hand man, co-author, and speechwriter Mark Salter. Here’s the 53-year-old Iowan’s challenge as he heads to to his cottage in Maine to work on Sen. McCain’s acceptance speech at the GOP convention: Salter hints the speech Continue Reading

Categories American Politics

The Great Pennsylvania Debate – in McKeesport

Presidential debates, especially the intra-party variety we are witnessing these days, are frequent to the point of becoming common place, if not benign. They seem to prove what Marshall McLuhan said about medium equaling message. The recent gotcha-fest between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama could make even the wildest political Continue Reading